March 20, 2023 

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — 2nd Street has opened registrations for free workshops focused on drawing, creative writing and poetry.

The workshops, open to formerly incarcerated men and women in Berkshire County, are associated with the new programs Insight Out and Using Our Outside Voices, created by 2nd Street in partnership with Berkshire Museum and Berkshire Community College.

All workshops will be held at 2nd Street, located at 264 Second Street in Pittsfield. To register, call (413) 443-7220, ext. 1275.

Drawing workshops: Tuesdays, April 4 through May 23, 4:30-6 pm. Workshops will be led by Phyllis Kornfeld, who has taught art in correctional facilities for 40 years, including at the Berkshire County Jail. She is the author of “Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America.”

Creative writing workshops: Wednesdays, April 5 through May 24, 4:30-6 pm. Workshops will be led by Liesl Schwabe, Berkshire Community College Coordinator of Writing Across the Curriculum. Her essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Review of Books and many other publications and anthologies.

Poetry workshops: Thursdays, April 6 through May 25, 4:30-6 pm. Workshops will be led by Benjamin Grimes, a review writer and copyeditor for Muzzle Magazine. His work has appeared in New Ohio Review and is forthcoming in Sycamore Review.