Vision, Mission & Core Values
Vision Statement
With a shared sense of hope, the communities of Berkshire County embrace, support, and empower formerly incarcerated individuals as they strive to achieve their unique potential for greatness.
Mission Statement
To provide a central point of access where formerly incarcerated people of Berkshire County connect with the tools, programs, and support to encourage a successful reentry into a more welcoming community with dignity and sustainable opportunities to thrive.

Core Values
We Are Built on a Foundation of Mutual Respect
2nd Street accepts individuals for who they are, appreciating others’ feelings, beliefs, wishes, points of view and rights. We demonstrate respect by being available, authentic, and active listeners.
We Are a Caring Community
2nd Street collaborates closely with community members and organizations to best meet the needs of individuals and bring about positive change.
Innovation Drives Our Success
2nd Street is committed to the development of new approaches to serve the formerly incarcerated. With our partners we contribute ideas and solutions to address the challenges our clients encounter and continually use data to measure impact and improve outcomes.
Trust Must Be Earned
2nd Street must earn the trust of our clients, partners, and the community every day by being truthful, consistent, competent, and maintaining confidentiality.