
Jason Cuyler: Second chances matter in the workplace

October 26, 2022 The Berkshire Eagle Jason Cuyler: Second chances matter in the workplace At Second Street Second Chances, our name makes our intentions clear: to treat formerly incarcerated individuals with respect and encouragement, to provide them with job...

Berkshire Bank Foundation provides $426K in third-quarter investments

October 25, 2023 The Berkshire Eagle PITTSFIELD — Berkshire Bank provided more than $426,000 in foundation philanthropic investments during the third quarter of 2023. The bank assisted 124 nonprofit organizations with funding to support the communities Berkshire Bank...

Letter: Applause for  ‘Release’ and the women of 2nd Street

October 14, 2023 Berkshire Eagle Letter to the Editor To the editor:  A few weeks ago, we were fortunate enough to witness a performance of “Release,” a powerful play performed at Berkshire Community College and created in conjunction with Second Street, Second...

Pittsfield: Panel discussion on youth mental illness

October 4, 2023 Berkshire Eagle Pittsfield, MA — A group of local organizations that deal with youth issues will discuss the increasing rates of youth mental illness from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, at Barrington Stage, 30 Union St.  Called the Berkshire County...

Release shares women’s stories of incarceration and courage

September 25, 2023  BTW Berkshires  "I would have kayaks … I may not touch the fish … I will catch it , but I won’t clean it and cook it because … we live in Pittsfield." On a spring evening, a woman imagines floating on the Housatonic, watching for brook trout in the...

Pittsfield program gives ex-cons ‘Second Chances’

September 22, 2023 Pittsfield, MA NEWS10 PITTSFIELD, M.A. (NEWS10) — A local organization is trying to help the formerly incarcerated get access to services that will help them continue their lives and not get back into trouble. Second chances. That’s the opportunity...